Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record N
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Deed Record N Page 676
 Ann F. Fraser To Omera B. Thomas
State of Florida  }
County of Alachua } This Indenture made and entered into
this the fourth (4) day of April AD (1873) Eighteen hundred
and Seventy Three between Ann F. Fraser of the first part
of the State and County above named and Omera B. Thom-
as of the same State and County of the second part
Witnesseth that for and in Consideration of the sum of
Twenty five hundred dollars to me in hand paid by
the party of the second part the receipt whereof is hereby
acknowledged the party of the first part hath granted
bargained sold and Conveyed and by these presents
doth grant bargain sell and Convey unto the party
of the second part all that Lot or Lots tract or tracts or
parcel of land lying Situated and being in the (Town)
Town of Gainesville and known in the plan and plat
of said Town as Two (No2) Block Two (No2) Range Eight (No8)
measuring one hundred and ninty Seven feet (197 ft) by three
hundred and thirty four (334 ft) Also Block One (1) Range
Eight (8) measuring one hundred and ninty Seven feet (197 ft)
by Three hundred and thirty four feet (334 ft). To have
and to hold the said bargained premises together with
all and singular the rights titles privileges and apper-
tenancies thereunto belonging or in any wise thereunto
appertaining in fee Simple. And the said party of the
first the said bargained premises unto the party of the
Second part her heirs executors administrators or assigns
will forever warrant and defend against the lawful
claim or claims of any other person or persons what-
Soever as far as in Law or Equity she may be bound to do
Signed sealed and delivered the day and year above written
In presence of }             Ann F. Fraser (LS)
S.A. Durant    }
M.R. Thomas    }
State of Florida  }
County of Alachua } Personally appeared before me
M.R. Thomas who being duly Sworn says that she
saw Ann F. Fraser sign and seal the foregoing deed
and that she together with S.A. Durant signed the Same
as witnesses thereto           }  M.R. Thomas
Sworn to & Subscribed this Aug }
22d 1882     J.C. Gardner      }
             County Judge      }
Recorded September 1st 1882
              J.A. Carlisle  Clerk
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 11 June 2019
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