Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record N
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Deed Record N Page 681
grant bargain sell and Convey unto the said party of the sec-
ond part all of that certain lot piece parcel tract of land
situated lying and being in the County of Alachua in the
State of Florida particularly Known and described as follows
to wit: Beginning at the South East Corner of that Certain
lot of land situated in what is known as "Brushes addition)
to Gainesville heretofore on the 8th day of May AD 1872 Con-
veyed to Richard Brevard by Charles W. Brush executor of
Nehemiah Brush deceased by deed of that date which deed
is recorded on pages 831, 832 and 833 of Deed Book "H" of Alachua
County records and running from said Starting point North
Sixty three (63) feet thence West Two hundred and thirty nine
and a half (239 1/2) thence south Sixty three (63) feet thence East
Two hundred and Thirty nine and a half (239 1/2) feet to the
point of beginning - The Same being the South East Quarter
of the lot conveyed to the said Ann McRae by deed of
Richard McRae dated June 9th 1876 and recorded June 16th
1876 in Deed Book "J" on pages 15 & 16 of the public records of
said County of Alachua containing by estimation one
third of an acre of land more or less. Together with all
and singular the tenements hereditaments and appurtenances
to the Same belonging or in any wise appertaining.
To have and to hold the Same unto him the said party of
the second part and to his heirs executors administrators
and assigns in fee simple and absolute. And the said
party of the first part does hereby covenant and agree
to and with the said party of the second part that she is
lawfully seized in fee of the property herein and hereby
conveyed and that she has good and lawful right to
sell and convey the Same; that the same is free from all
encumbrances of any kind whatsoever and that she will
and her heirs executors and administrators shall and
will forever defend the Same unto the said party of the
second part and to his heirs executors administrators
and assigns against the lawful Claims and demands of
any and all persons whomsoever now claiming or here-
after to claim the Same
In Witness Whereof the said party of the first part
has hereunto set her hand and affixed her seal
the day and year first above written
Signed Sealed and delivered    }       her
in presence of us as witnesses }    Ann X McRae   (seal)
P.H. Young                     }       mark
Laura Bacon                    }

State of Florida }
Alachua County   } Before me personally appeared
Ann McRae who acknowledged that she executed
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 12 November 2016
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