Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record N
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Deed Record N Page 688
acknowledged have granted bargained sold conveyed and confirmed and doth
by these presents grant bargain sell convey and confirm unto the said party
of the second part and to her heirs and assigns the following described
property to wit: All that lot tract or parcel of land situated lying and
being in the County of Alachua State of Florida and more particularly
described as follows the North one half of that lot of land commencing at
the South West corner of the Henry Avera Lot in Ropers Addition to the 
Town of Gainesville in Alachua County State of Florida which is in
section (4) four Township (10) Ten South Range Twenty (20) East and
which Lot is in the Southern part of lot (11 3/4) Eleven & three fourths by
number as designated on said map of Roper's addition and thence
run North Two hundred and Eight (208) feet to a stake on the North
west corner of the Henry Avera lot: thence East (50) fifty feet to a 
a stake thence South (208) Two hundred & eight feet to a stake thence
West fifty (50) feet to the place of beginning containing a fractional
part of an acre = said half of said lot hereby conveyed being 5200
square feet Together with all and singular the rights tenements
and hereditaments thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining
To Have and to hold the said property unto her the said party
of the second part and to her heirs executors administrators and
assigns forever in fee simple absolute free from all and every
incumbrance whatsoever. In Witness whereof the said parties of
the first part have hereunto set their hands and affixed their
seals on this the day and year first above written
Signed sealed & delivered in presence of us      }
after interlining between 4th & 5th  lines on    } Delia A. Coker (LS)
2d page the words "The North one half } J.B. Coker    (LS)
of that lot of land"} Witnesses to               }
    B.H. Thrasher   } Delia A. Coker             }
    L.W. Jackson    }                            }
 F.D. Pooser }   Witnesses to signature          }
 Jno Reardon }   of J.B. Coker                   }
State of Florida } In person came before me John B. Coker
Marion County    } who acknowledged that he executed the above
deed in the manner and for the purposes therein expressed and
set forth 
Taken & acknowledged          }   J.B. Coker
before me Mch 17th AD 1882    }
       Jno Reardon  (seal)    }
       Notary Public State of }
        Florida at Large      }

State of Florida }
Alachua County   } Be it remembered that on this day came before me
Delia A. Coker wife of John B. Coker who after an examination by
me first held separate & apart from her husband acknowledged that she
executed the above deed of Gift to her said daughter Louisa E.
Mixon freely voluntarily & without any compulsion constraint appreh-
ension or fear of or from her said husband and that said property was

[Part SEC4 TWP10 R20]
Transcribed by Kaley Behl 8 September 2021
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