Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record N
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Deed Record N Page 691
      The Baptist Benevolent Bureau
            "Articles of Agreement"
At a meeting held at the Oliver House in the town of Gainesville County
of Alachua and State of Florida at 9 O'clock AM On the 26th day of August
1882 in persuance of a notice which had been posted at three conspicuous
places in the immediate vicinity seven days prior thereto a copy of which notice is
herewith filed. On motion of C.A. Willard - J.W. Ashby was called to the chair
and J.S. Wharton appointed Secretary It having been determined to Organize
and incorporate a benevolent and charitable assiation as provided by Chapter
36 of the laws of Florida (McLellan Digest) The following articles of association
were adopted. The name of said corporation shall be the Baptist Benevolent
Bureau and its object shall be to provide a fund by assessments upon its
members for their relief in cases of mental or physical incapacity to labor
and for the relief of the families or other beneficiaries of deceased members in
such manner as may be provided for by the constitution and by laws
which may be adopted by the directors of said association. The members of
said association shall consist of such persons between the ages of 20 and 60
years inclusive of good moral character and free from all constitutional or
organic disease as may be received as such upon the payment of Membership
fees dues and beneficiary assessments in the manner to be provided for
The officers Shall be a President Secretary, Treasurer and Board of Directors of
not more than five in number. The duties of said officers to be defined by
the By laws to be adopted. The annual meeting shall be held on Wednesday
after the first Monday in March in each year in Gainesville Florida or
at such other places as may be agreed upon by the Directors until the
first annual meeting the duties of the respective officers shall be
performed as follows. J.W. Ashby President, J.S. Wharton Secretary &
Treasurer and the following Directors J.W. Ashby, J.S. Wharton
C.A. Willard W.J. Wharton and W.T. Ashby. At the organization
of said association it is composed of J.W. Ashby J.S. Wharton C.A.
Willard W.J. Wharton & W.T. Ashby. The term of Service of the Directors
& officers herein selected shall continue until the first annual meeting
and thereafter until their successors may be selected & qualified and the
officers & Directors hereafter elected shall be for one year. The persons comprising
this association to wit: J.W. Ashby, J.S. Wharton C.A. Willard W.J. Wharton
& W.T. Ashby or a majority of them shall have the exclusive power of
filling a vacancy occurring in their body and of electing the Directors
and officers of said association. The principal officer of said associations
shall be in Gainesville Florida unless changed by the Directors Authority
having been conferred upon the Directors to adopt such constitution
by laws, rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry into effect
the object of said association the meeting adjourned
                                            Jno W. Ashby
J.S. Wharton                                   Chairman
          The notice to which reference is made in the foregoing
copy of the proceedings of a Meeting held on the 26th day of August
1882 is as follows.
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 12 November 2016
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