Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record N
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Deed Record N Page 692
The undersigned together with such others as they may associate with them
will hold a meeting at the Oliver House in Gainesville Florida on Saturday
the 26th Inst at 9 O'clock AM for the purpose of organizing a benevolent and
charitable association. Its object being to create a beneficiary fund for the relief
of the families of deceased members and to provide for the assistance of those who
may become physically or mentally incapacitated for labor
                                    J.S. Wharton
                                    J.W. Ashby
                                    C.A. Willard

Gainesville Florida
  August 18th 1882
                  I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a notice
which was posted in three conspicuous places in the vicinity of the Oliver House in
Gainesville Florida on the 18th day of August 1882
                                    J.S. Wharton
State of Florida  }
County of Alachua } Before me personally appeared J.S. Wharton who being duly sworn
deposes and says that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the proceedings
as therein described
Sworn to and subscribed before me this
30th day of August AD 1882
  (  )          J.A. Carlisle
( seal )            Clerk Cir Court
  (  )          Alachua County Florida

                    Recorded September 8th 1882
                            J.A. Carlisle  Clerk
                                 pr S.H. Wienges DC

          Eliza J. Bush et al to Wallace W. Sykes
State of Florida } This indenture made this 15 day of February in the Year
Hamilton County  } of our Lord one Thousand eight hundred and Eighty two
between Eliza M. Bush and Green B. Bush husband of Sarah M. Bush and Mariane
J. Gutherey of the County and State aforesaid of the first part: and Wallace W.
Sykes of the County of Alachua & State of Florida of the second part Witnesseth
that the said parties of the first part for and in consideration of the
sum of one hundred dollars lawful money of the United States of America
to us in hand paid by the party of the second part the receipt whereof is
hereby acknowledged hath granted bargained and sold and by these presents
doth grant bargain sell and convey unto the party of the second part
his heirs executors and administrators and assigns all that certain tract
or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Alachua and
State aforesaid and more particularly known on the plat of the United
States surveys as the North West 1/4 of SE1/4 Sec 29 and N1/2 of SW1/4 Sec 29 &
SW1/4 of SW1/4 Sec 29 & NW1/4 of NW1/4 Sec 32 and SW1/4 of NW1/4 Sec 32
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 13 November 2016
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