Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record N
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of us as witnesses                          Rollin M. Witt (seal)
J.C. Gardner                                Maria A. Witt  (seal)
A.J. Witt
State of Florida}  I hereby certify that on this 1st day of September Ad 1882 before
Alachua County  }  me personally appeared Mrs. Maria A. Witt wife of Rollin M.
Witt the grantor in the foregoing conveyance who being first duly questioned
and examined by me separate and apart from her said husband says and acknowledges
before me that she did sign the said deed of conveyance for the purpose of releas-
ing relinquishing and renouncing all of her right of Dower in and to the land in
said deed described and that said relinquishing and renunciation of Dower was done 
and made by her freely and voluntarily and without any compulsion constraint
apprehension or fear of or from her said husband.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto                       Maria A. Witt (seal)
set my hand and seal
J.C. Gardner (L.S.)
County Judge
State of Florida   Before me personally appeared Rollin M. Witt and Maria A. Witt
Alachua County     who acknowledged that they executed signed sealed and
delivered the foregoing deed of conveyance for the uses and purposes therein
contained and expressed
Acknowledged and Subscribed before                          Rollin M. Witt
me this 1st day of Sept. AD 1882                            Maria A. Witt
J.C. Gardner
County Judge
                        Recorded September 11th 1882
                                         J.A. Carlisle Clerk
                                           pr. S.H. Wienges D.C.

                   Penelope L. Standley To Primus Young
State of Florida
County of Alachua    This Indenture made and entered into this first day
                     of March Ad 1872 between Penelope L. Standly party of
the first part and Primus Young party of the second part both of said
county and state Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of
three hundred dollars to her in hand paid at and before the signing
sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged 
all that certain tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in Alachua
County and more particularly described as follows The SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Sec-
tion eighteen Township eight and Range nineteen South and East Containing forty
and 60/100 acres more or less together with all the privileges thereto in anywise
appertaining. To have and to hold the above granted premises to the said
Primus Young his heirs and assigns in fee simple and the said Penelope
L. Standly for herself her heirs executors and administrators shall the said
property to the said Primus Young his heirs executors and administrators
forever warrant and defend against the lawful demands of all persons
whatever. In testimony whereof the said Penelope L. Standley has hereto
set her hand and seal on the day and year above written
Signed in presence of
Transcribed by Elaine Campbell 31 October 2001
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