Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record N
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verily believe that the signature to the said certificate of proof or
acknowledgment is genuine - I further certify that said instrument is
executed and acknowledged according to the law of the State of New
  (  )    In Testimony Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and
( Seal )  affixed the seal of the said Court and County the 7 day of
  (  )     April 1882
                           Wm A. Butler  Clerk
       Recorded Sept 11th 1882
             J.A. Carlisle Clerk
               pr S.H. Wienges DC

   Sol Benjamin and Wife To G.W. Reynolds
The State of Florida } This Indenture made this 28th day of August AD 1882
Marion County        } between Sol Benjamin and Golda S. Benjamin his wife
who joins her husband in this conveyance for the purpose of relinquishing
her right of Dower in the property hereinafter described of the State and
County above of the first part and G.W. Reynolds of the second part
witnesseth That for the consideration of Twelve Hundred dollars paid by the
second party to the said first parties the receipt of which is hereby
acknowledged the said first parties have bargained sold conveyed and
confirmed and by these presents do grant bargain sell release convey &
confirm unto the said second party his heirs administrators and assigns
the following described property lying in Alachua County Florida and
being more particularly described as Beginning at a Stake on the North
West corner of George Phillips land thence running west thirteen hundred
and forty six (1346) feet to a Stake making the North West corner of this
piece now being conveyed thence South three hundred and twenty four
(324) feet to another Stake, thence East four hundred and Sixty three (463)
feet to another Stake and from this point South East (250) Two hundred
and fifty feet to another Stake, thence due South four hundred and
fifty (450) feet to a Stake being the extreme South west corner thence
six hundred and seventy three (673) feet to the extreme South east
corner thence North along the western boundary line of the said Phillips
land nine hundred and eighty four (984) feet to the point of beginning
making in all twenty and three fifths (20 3/5) of an acre more or less
Together with all and singular the rights members tenements hereditaments
and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise connected with
the same To have and to hold unto the said second part his heirs and
assigns absolutely and in fee simple forever. And the said Sol Benjamin
and Golda S. Benjamin his wife do hereby for themselves and their heirs
covenant and agree to warrant and forever defend the above property unto
the said second party and his heirs against any claims of any person
or persons lawfully claiming the same. In Testimony of which the said first
parties have hereunto set their hands and seals this 28th day of August
AD 1882
Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of }  Sol Benjamin (LS)
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 16 September 2021
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