Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record N
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without any compulsion constraint apprehension or fear of or from her said
Taken acknowledged and signed         }  Eliza J. Vaughn 
before me this the 29th day of August }  B.F. Vaughn
AD 1882                               }
               J.W. Smith             }
(Seal)         Notary Public          }
         Recorded September 12th 1882
               J.A. Carlisle Clerk
                pr S.H. Wienges DC

          S.B. Adkins To Robert Garvin
State of Florida } This Indenture made this 26th day of August AD 1882
Alachua County   } between Silas B. Adkins of the State and County
and his wife Caroline R. Adkins who joins her husband in this conveyance
for the purpose of relinquishing her dower in the lands hereinafter described
parties of the first part and Robert Garvin of the county of - State
of Indiana of the second part Witnesseth that for and in consideration of
the sum of Two Hundred Dollars to the parties of the first part paid the receipt
whereof is hereby acknowledged have granted bargained sold and by these
presents do grant bargain sell and convey unto the said party of the second
part his heirs and assign in fee simple all of that certain tract or parcel
of land lying and being in said State and County and described as
follows to wit: The West (1/2) Half of North West (1/4) Quarter of the North West
(1/4) Quarter of Section Thirty (32) Two Township (10) Ten South Range (22)
Twenty Two East containing Twenty Acres. To have and to hold the
above described land to the said party of the second part his heirs and
assigns together with the rights members and appurtenances thereunto
being belonging or in any manner appertaining. And the said parties of
the first part for themselves their heirs executors administrators and
assigns the title to the above bargained sold and conveyed premises
will forever warrant and defend against all legal claims and demands.
In Testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals the date
first written
    In presence of }               his
 J.D. Bell         }          Silas X Adkins (seal)
 F.G. Cline        }               mark
                   }         Caroline R. Adkins (seal)

State of Florida  } Personally appeared before the undersigned Silas B.
County of Alachua } Adkins and Caroline R. Adkins his wife and acknowled=
ged that they executed the foregoing deed for the purpose of conveying the
land therein described to Robert Garvin and the said Caroline R.
Adkins upon an examination made by me separate and apart from
her husband acknowledges that she made herself a party to said conveyance
for the purpose of relinquishing all Dower and right of Dower in the lands
therein mentioned and that she did so freely and voluntarily and
without any fear constraint or compulsion from her said husband

[PART SEC32 TWP10 R22]
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 21 September 2021
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