Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record N
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Deed Record N Page 720
State of North Carolina } To all whom it may concern: Be it known that on that
County of Chatham       } on this 8th day of September AD 1882 personally appeared
before me Probate Judge and Clerk of the supreme court of said County of Chatham
State of North Carolina the above named Eliza C. Snowden to me well known
as the wife of Peter G. Snowden and as one of the persons described in and
who executed the foregoing deed of conveyance who being at the time separate
and apart from her husband the said Eliza C. Snowden did then and
there make and execute the foregoing acknowledgment her name being with
her own hand subscribed and her seal affixed in my presence.
Witness my hand and seal at Pittsboro N.C. the day and year above 
                            Wm F. Forshee        (  )
                    Probate Judge and Clerk Supreme Court ( Seal )
State of Florida }                                          (  )
Alachua County   } Before me personally appeared W.C. Miller who being
duly sworn says that he saw P.G. Snowden sign seal execute and deliver
the foregoing deed of conveyance for the uses and purposes therein contained
and expressed and that he together with E. McIrvin Gregg signed the
same as subscribing witnesses thereto
Sworn to and subscribed before me this } W.C. Miller
12th day of September AD 1882          }
    J.A. Carlisle                      }
     Clerk Cir Court                   }
     pr S.H. Wienges DC                }
                          Recorded September 18th 1882
                           J.A. Carlisle Clerk
                            pr S.H. Wienges DC

  Peter G. Snowden and Wife To Nellie E. Keeler
This Indenture made the 2nd day of September in the year of our
Lord one thousand Eight hundred and eighty two Between Peter G.
Snowden and his wife Eliza C. Snowden of the County of Marion and
State of Florida of the first part and Nellie E. Keeler of Alachua County
Florida of the second part Witnesseth that the said parties of the first part
for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and thirty seven 50/
Dollars lawful money of the United States of America to them in hand
paid by the said party of the second part at or before the ensealing and
delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have
granted bargained sold aliened remised released conveyed and confirmed and
by  these presents do grant bargain sell alien remise release convey and
confirm unto the said party of the second part and her heirs and assigns
forever all that tract of land lying and being in the county of Alachua
and State of Florida described as follows: Commencing at a point 3.72
chains west of the NE Corner of the SE1/4 of NE1/4 Sec 21. T10S R
20E and on the boundary line of the Right of way of the Florida
Southern Railway run west 11.21 chains to a Stake; thence S 33° E 7.30
ch to a dead live oak; thence S. 47° E 1.16 ch to a Stake thence N 67° E

[PART SEC21 TWP10 R20]
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 5 October 2021
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