Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record N
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under the Decree relating to the Arredondo Grant
     (  )   In testimony whereof I hereunto set my Hand & affix the Seal of the
   ( Seal ) Circuit Court of St. Johns County at the City of St Augustine
     (  )     the 10th day of June 1853
                             P.B. Dumas
                           Clerk CC of St Johns County
          Recorded September 19th 1882
            J.A. Carlisle  Clerk
              pr S.H. Wienges DC

     Geo M. Payne William A. Forward and George R. Fairbanks as
 Commissioners of the Arredondo Grant to Peter Sparkman
This Indenture, made the First day of January in the Year of our Lord one
Thousand eight hundred and fifty two between George M. Payne George R.
Fairbanks and William A. Forward Commissioners appointed by the Circuit Court
of the Eastern Circuit of Florida sitting as a Court of Chancery by orders or decrees
made and entered at the City of St Augustine in and for the County of
St Johns in a certain cause in Partition depending in said County wherein
John H. Brush and others are complainants; and Moses E. Levy and others
are Defendants of the First Part and Peter Sparkman of Alachua County
Florida party of the second Part Witnesseth: That whereas at a sale of
Public Auction of Certain Lands of the Arredondo Tract or Grant
Advertised and held by the Commissioners appointed in said cause
(in pursuance of an order or decree of said Court made and entered in said
St Augustine on the thirteenth day of November AD 1848) at Micanopy of
the said Arredondo Grant on the 21st day of February AD 1849 the following
described Lots or parcels of Land Situate lying and being in the County
of Alachua in said State of Florida were Struck off to and bid in by Peter
Sparkman he being the highest bidder therefor to wit Section No Eight in
Township No Nine of Range No 21 S & E Containing Six Hundred & Forty 20/100 acres
also Section No Nine of Township Number Nine and Range Number Twenty
and containing Six Hundred and forty 20/100 Acres Also Section Number Sixteen
in Township Number Nine and Range Twenty and containing Six Hundred &
Thirty nine 4/100 acres as laid down upon the map of the said Arredondo Grant
made on the 9th February in the Year of our Lord 1846 by Messers Burr Washington
and Merry Commissioners appointed by the said Court at the June Term of
1845 as by reference thereto will more fully appear. And whereas the said Commissioners
reported the said sale to the said Court and the said Court by by decree
made and entered on the 11th day of August AD 1849 approved of the same and
confirmed said report. And Whereas the said Pater Sparkman has faithfully and
truly performed all the orders terms Stipulations and conditions which were by order
or decree of said Court on his part to be performed and whereas the said Court has
directed the said parties of the first part Commissioners as aforesaid to execute
to the said Peter Sparkman this deed thereof. Now therefore Know Ye, that
we the said parties of the first part by virtue of the Authority invested
in us as aforesaid and in consideration as aforesaid have granted bargained
and sold and by these presents do grant bargain and Sell unto the said
Peter Sparkman and to his Heirs and Assigns forever the said above described
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 10 May 2021
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