Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record Z
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promissory note as follows to wit:
$250000                  Gainesville Fla August   1886
Five years after date we promise to pay Mrs Julia A. Edwards or order the
sum of Two Thousand and Five Hundred Dollars ($250000) for value received with interest
from date until paid at the rate of Eight per cent per annum interest payable Semi-
annually                 (sgd)  W.W. Hampton    as Trustee
                                J.D. Matheson   as Trustee
                                H.W. Long       as Trustee
                                Geo K. Broome   as Trustee
                                W.N. Sheats     as Trustee
                                H.F. Dutton     as Trustee
                                T.C. Lanier     as Trustee
Which said money is loaned to the said parties of the first part by the
party of the second part with which to build and construct a Barracks upon
the property of the parties of the first part: Now therefore if the said
parties of the first part shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid to the
party of the second part or to her heirs or assigns the amount of the said note
together with all interest thereon at Maturity then this obligation to be
null and void otherwise to remain in full force and virtue And it is further
stipulated and agreed by and between the parties hereto that the parties
of the first part shall keep the Buildings on the Mortgaged property
insured for the benefit of the within Mortgage during the Continuance
of this Mortgage and until the same shall have been paid and Satisfied
and the parties of the first part shall pay all costs expenses and attorneys
fees which the party of the second part may necessarily incur in the
collection of said note and Mortgage or any part thereof or if any interest
thereon and should there be any default in the payment of any of the
interest on said note and Mortgage or of any part thereof according
to the tenor and effect thereof for the space of Thirty days after the same
becomes due then in that case it shall be optional with the party of the
second part to declare the provisions of this Mortgage forfeited and
foreclose for the whole amount thereof: or to claim and collect the same
rate of interest upon such interest as may be past due as the said
original sum bears and provided further that this Mortgage is
concurrant with another Mortgage of even date herewith given by the
parties of the first part to Caroline M. Lilley for $250000 upon the
same property In testimony whereof the said parties of the first
part as Trustees as aforesaid and Each of them have hereunto set their
and Each of their hands and seals on the day and year first above
Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of     }  W.W. Hampton   as Trustee  (LS)
B.F. Hampton } Witnesses as to signatures of}      }  J.D. Matheson  as Trustee  (LS)
E.P. Cater   } W.W. Hampton & W.N. Sheats   }      }  Henry W. Long    "         (LS)
E.P. Cater } Witness as to Signature of J.D. Matheson } G.K. Broome    "         (LS)
           } H.W. Long G.K. Broome & T.C. Lanier      } W.N. Sheats    "         (LS)
       J.F.A. Tufts for Thos C. Lanier & Henry     }
       W. Long - T.P. Turner for J.D. Matheson     }   Thos C. Lanier            (LS)

[ Written in left margin: ]
Recorded in Mortgage Book No 11
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 29 January 2017
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