Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record Z
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to appoint a new trustee or trustees in the place of the trustee so desiring to be
discharged and that upon such appointment the number of Trustees might be
increased and that every new trustee should from the time of such appointment have
the same powers as an original Trustee. And whereas by an Indenture dated the
second day of July one thousand Eight hundred and Eighty four and made between
the Company of the one part and the said Charles Townshend Murdoch Leonidas
Moreau Lawson and Jan Anne Langerheizen of the other part it was agreed that
certain of the provisions in the said Indenture of the twenty ninth day of October
one Thousand Eight hundred and Eighty three contained should be modified as in
the now reciting Indenture mentioned and by the last mentioned Indenture
the said Leonidas Moreau Lawson declared his willingness to retire from the
trusts of the firstly hereinbefore recited Indenture and whereas all the
hereditaments and premises by the firstly hereinbefore recited Indenture
conveyed to the said Charles Townshend Leonidas Moreau Lawson and Jan
Anne Langerheizen except certain small portions thereof which have been
sold by the Company and duly conveyed to the purchasers thereof are
still vested in them upon the trusts aforesaid and whereas the said
Leonidas Moreau Lawson is desirous of being discharged from the trusts
of the firstly hereinbefore recited Indenture so modified as aforesaid as he
doth hereby declare and the said Charles Townshend Murdoch and
Jan Anne Langerheizen are desirous of appointing the said Alexander
Crum Maclae and Henry John Broughton Kendall to be Trustees
of the same Indenture in the place of the said Leonidas Moreau Lawson
Now this Indenture Witnesseth that the said Charles Townshend
Murdoch and Jan Anne Langerheizen in exercise of the power for
this purpose given to or vested in them by the firstly hereinbefore recited
Indenture and of all other powers (if any) them thereunto enabling Do hereby
appoint the said Alexander Crum Maclae and Henry John Broughton
Kendall to be Trustees of the firstly hereinbefore recited Indenture so
modified as aforesaid in the place of the said Leonidas Moreau Lawson
to the end and intent that they the said Alexander Crum Maclae
and Henry John Broughton Kendall shall and may exercise
or Join in exercising all the trusts powers and authorities reposed
in the said Leonidas Moreau Lawson Jointly with the said Charles
Townsend Murdoch and Jan Anne Langerheizen in the same manner
as if the said Alexander Crum Maclae and Henry John Broughton
Kendall had been thereby originally appointed trustees in the
place of the said Leonidas Moreau Lawson and the said Alexander
Crum Maclae and Henry John Broughton Kendall hereby
consent to be trustees of the said firstly hereinbefore recited Indenture
modified as aforesaid. And this Indenture also witnesseth that for
the consideration aforesaid the said Charles Townshend Murdoch Jan
Anne Langerheizen and Leonidas Moreau Lawson do hereby as Trustees
grant and convey unto the said Charles Townshend Murdoch Jan
Anne Langerheizen Alexander Crum Maclae and Henry John
Broughton Kendall and their heirs all and singular the pieces
or parcels of land hereditaments and premises comprised in and conveyed
Transcribed by Karen McColl 16 May 2023
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