Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record Z
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State of South Carolina}
County of Charleston   } Be it known that before me J. Buchman Chisolm a 
Notary Public personally appeared Harriet E. Horn and Edward T. Horn her 
husband on this third day of August A. D. 1886 who severally acknowledged that 
they executed the annexed deed and further certify that the said Harriet E. Horn
being at the time separate and apart from her said husband did 
acknowledge that she executed the annexed deed of conveyance to Samuel 
A. Swann and that she joined in the said deed for the purpose of 
conveying all her right title and interest in and to the premises described
therin and that said conveyance was and is made freely and voluntarily 
and without any compulsion or constraint apprehension or fear of or from her 
husband the said Edward T. Horn. Witness my hand and seal this third day of August 
A.D. 1886.  
                           J. Buchman Chisolm    {seal}
                           Notary Public

State of South Carolina}
County of Charleston   } On this day personally appeared before me Louise
E. Chisolm unmarried to me well known as the person described in 
and who executed the annexed Deed and acknowledged that she 
executed the same for the purpose therein expressed. Whenupon it is 
prayed that the same may be recorded. Witness my hand and seal this 
third day of August A. D. 1886.
                        J. Buchman Chisolm  {seal}
                        Notary Public 

State of South Carolina}
County of Marion       }  On this day personally appeared before 
me John E. Chisolm to me well known as the person described in 
and who executed the annexed deed and acknowledged that he executed 
the same for the purposes therein expressed whenupon it is prayed 
that the same may be recorded. Witness my hand and seal this 
Ninth day of Aug. A. D. 1886.
                            S. A. Gregg Jr. {seal}
Filed for Record August 31st, 1886
  Recorded September 3rd, 1886
      J.A. Carlisle clerk
        pr S.H. Winges D.C.

Jacob Winecoff      }
      to            }  Deed
Florence A. Winecoff}
                     The Grantors Jacob Winecoff and Cynthia 
Winecoff of Alachua County Florida in consideration of Four
Hundred Fifty Dollars paid being seized in fee simple hereby grant 
bargain sell and convey with the general covenants of Warranty unto 
Florence A. Winecoff her heirs and assigns us forever to have and to 
hold in fee simple the following described Real Estate in Alachua 
County Fla to wit. Commencing at the South East corner of  
Transcribed by Rebekah Hurd 26 February 2003
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