Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record Z
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recited Indenture so modified as aforesaid declared concerning the same
and whereas by the conveyancing and Law of Property Act 1881 Section 47 it
was provided that any person making or doing any payment or act
in good faith in pursuance of a Power of Attorney shall not be
liable in respect of the payment or act by reason that before the
payment or act the Donor of the power had died or become lunatic of
unsound mind or Bankrupt or had revoked the power if the fact of death
lunacy unsoundness of mind Bankruptcy or revocation was not at the time
of the payment an Act Known to the person making or doing the same
and whereas the said Trustees are desirous of appointing in Florida
aforesaid an agent for the purpose of Joining with the Company in
conveying the said lands or any part of parts thereof or any estate
or interest therein Now these presents Witness that the said Charles
Townshend Murdoch Jan Anne Langerheizen Alexander Crum Maclae
and Henry John Broughton Kendall (hereinafter called thy said
Trustees) do hereby nominate constitute and appoint James M. Schumacher
Cashier of the first National Bank of Jacksonville Florida United States
of America their attorney for them and in their names and on their
behalf on payment or delivery to the First National Bank of Jacksonville
Florida aforesaid of the whole of the money or securities then due
in respect of the sale in question from time to time and as and when
occasion shall require or the said Attorney deem expedient
to Join with the Company in conveying the said land or any
part or parts thereof or any estate or interest therein which the
Company shall have agreed to sell provided that the sale shall
be on terms on which under and by virtue of the facts and
Indentures hereinbefore recited the Company has power to sell the
same or would have such power were the power of such
facts and Indentures given still existing but so that no sale
shall be made to any one purchaser or Joint purchasers whether
made at one or different times exceeding in the aggregate 5000 acres
the intention being that no single purchaser or Joint purchasers
shall hold more than 5000 acres. (five thousand acres) but the said
Attorney shall not have power to receive or give receipts or discharges
for the purchase moneys or securities for the same or any part
thereof respectively. And the said Attorney is hereby Authorized
and empowered for the said Trustees in their names and on their
behalf for the purposes aforesaid to enter into sign seal
execute deliver and do such documents contracts acts and things as
the said Attorney may consider necessary or expedient and
to appear before Notaries Courts of Justice and other public
bodies and officers for and on behalf of the said Trustees as occasion
may require of the said Attorney think expedient and generally for
the said Trustees and in their names or otherwise to do everything
requisite or convenient for all or any of the purposes aforesaid.
And the said Trustees hereby ratify confirm and allow and coven=
=ant for themselves their heirs executors administrators and
Transcribed by Karen McColl 16 May 2023
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