Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record Z
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Deed Record Z Page 190
and assigns forever in fee all that lot or parcel of ground Situate and lying the
City of Gainesville Alachua County State of Florida being a portion of a tract of land
Known as "the Arredonda Grant" and described as follows that is to say: Beginning for
the same one hundred and Eighty three (183) feet Northerly from the South
east corner of lot number Twenty seven (27) as laid down in Brush's addition to the
City of Gainesville in said County and State and running thence North along the
East boundary line of said lot Ninety nine (99) feet Thence Westerly and parallel to the South
boundary line of said lot herein conveyed Two hundred and Sixty (260) feet Thence
Southerly and parallel to the East boundary line of said lot Ninety Nine (99) feet thence
Easterly in a Straight line Two hundred and sixty (260) feet to the place of beginning
reserving twelve feet on Easterly boundary line thereof for a public Street Together
with all and singular the rights tenements hereditaments and appurtenances
thereof and also all the estate interest claim and demand whatsoever both
in law and equity which the said intestate had in her life time and at the
time of decease and which the said party hereto of the first part hath by
virtue of the intestate or otherwise of in and to the same and every part thereof
with the appurtenances unto the said second party his heirs and assigns
forever and the said first party his heirs executors and administrators doth
covenant with the said second party his heirs and assigns that he has not
done any act matter or thing to incumber the property herein conveyed and
that he will warrant and forever defend Witness the hand and seal of the
first party on the day and year above written
Signed sealed and delivered in the  }              his
presence of us as witnesses         }        David  X  Williams   (seal)
       S.B. Giddings                }              mark
       W.E. Dunson                  }              his
                                    }       Rebecca X Williams    (seal)
State of Florida   }
Alachua County     }  I hereby certify that on this 18th day of September A.D. 1886
before me personally appeared Mrs. Rebecca Williams wife of David Williams
the grantor in the foregoing conveyance who being duly questioned and
examined by me separate and apart from her husband says and acknowledges
before me that she did sign the said deed of conveyance for the purpose of
releasing relinquishing and renouncing all her right of dower in and to the
land in said deed described and that said relinquishment and renunciation
of dower was done and made by her freely and voluntarily and without
any compulsion constraint apprehension or fear from her said husband
                                           Rebecca X Williams    (sea)
In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal
                                   William E. Dunson
  (seal)                             Notary Public State at Large

The State of Florida   }
Alachua County         }  Before me personally came David Williams and
his wife Rebecca Williams who acknowledges that they executed
signed sealed delivered the foregoing deed of conveyance for the uses
purposes therein expressed                         his
Acknowledged and subscribed before me   }     David X Williams
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 1 February 2012
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