Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record Z
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Deed Record Z Page 192
 State of West Virginia } SS
 County of Ohio         } Before personally appeared this 17th day of September AD
1886 John G. Hill and Rachel A. Hill his wife personally known to me to be the
individuals described in and who executed the above deed of Conveyance and Acknowled=
ged that they signed sealed and delivered said deed freely and voluntarily as and
for their own Act and deed for the purpose therein Stated and afterwards on the
same day personally appeared before me the said Rachel A. Hill and was by me
examined separate and apart from her husband and on Such separate examination
she acknowledged and declared that She signed sealed and delivered said deed
for the purposes therein Stated and relinquished her dower and right of dower in and
to the lands and property thereby conveyed freely and voluntarily and without
compulsion constraint apprehension or fear of or from her said husband and
that she did not wish to retract the same.
 Witness my official Signature and seal the day and Year last above written
    (  )                         John W. Mitchell
  ( Seal )                         Clerk of the Circuit Court
    (  )                          for Ohio County West Va
           Filed for Record September 28th 1886
               Recorded September 28th 1886
                   J.A. Carlisle  Clerk
                        pr S.H. Wienges DC

Thomas Farrel        }
        To           }  Deed
Thos P.F. Montgomery }
                      This Deed of Conveyance wit-
nesseth that Thomas Farrell of Alachua County and
State of Florida in Consideration of the Sum of Two
hundred ($200=) dollars which the said Thos Farrell
acknowledges that he has received from Thos P.F. Montgomery
of Alachua County has bargained and sold and hereby
does give grant release alien and Confirm to the said
Thos P.F. Montgomery and to his heirs and assigns 
the following land situate in the County of Alachua
State of Florida to wit: Lot 5 of a replat of Lot one
hundred and Twenty four (124) of the town of Windsor
according to the plat thereof recorded in Book A.L.
page 598 of said Alachua County records said
town of Windsor is located in Township Ten (10)
South Range Twenty one East. This Conveyance
is made on and subject to the express Condition
that no intoxicating liquors of any Kind Shall at
any time hereafter be manufactured or sold by
the grantee hi heirs or assigns upon the premises
herein described & Conveyed to be used as a beverage
and it is expressly provided and made a Condition
absolute of these presents that if at any time here-
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 30 July 2020
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