Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record Z
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Deed Record Z Page 195
that they executed the foregoing deed for the purpose
therein expressed: and I further Certify that said
Mary A. Griffin at an examination separate and
apart from her said husband did acknowledge
that she executed the foregoing deed of Conveyance
and joined in the Same for the purpose of relin-
quishing her dower or right of dower in and to
the premises described therein and that said relin-
quishment was made freely and voluntarily
and without any fear Compulsion or Constraint
of or from her husband the said George B. Griffin
Witness my hand and seal this 12th day of
April AD 1886   Edward F. Moody Jr
               Notary Public      ((Seal))
              State of Florida at Large

Filed for Record October 4th 1886
Recorded October 6th 1886
                   J.A. Carlisle

A.B. Tanquary    }
     To          }  Deed
Jno C. Bonde     }
                  Whereas the undersigned A.B.
Tanquary is in feeble health and unable to give to
his business the care and attention which the Same
demands and being desirous to close up all his matters
to the best advantage both to his creditors and himself
so that they may receive all their just dues and no
unnecessary sacrifice of property may be made to the
detriment of any party interested. Now this deed made
this 29th day of June 1878 between A.B. Tanquary of
the first part John C. Bonde Trustee of the second
part and the parties composing the Several classes here-
inafter named of the third part Witnesseth that
the said A.B. Tanquary of the first part as well in
Consideration of the premises as of the Sum of One
dollar in hand paid doth sell grant and Convey
unto the said John C. Bonde of the second part
with general Warranty the following real and per-
sonal property to wit: the Brick house and lot in
Lexington Va Situated on Main St adjoining
S. McD Morris heirs and others estimated to be
worth $500000 2d Two houses & Lots on Randolph St
in Lexington of the estimated value of $3,00000  3d
One vacant lot on McLaughlin St adjoining Winston

[ Written in left margin: ]
See Chancery Order Book q Page 428
See Chancery Order Book q Page 510
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 29 January 2017
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