Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record Z
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Deed Record Z Page 197
by him in trust for the sole and separate use and
benefit of Mrs Tanquary also all the stock in the
Cigar Store which she may Carry on by an agent
an inventory of said Stock to be made and Kept
by the trustee the other personal estate including
Machinery and fixtures used in the manufacture of
Tobacco (and which may be severed from the realty
for the purpose) the said Trustee may rent lease
or sell as may be deemed best by him - Out of the
fund to come into the hands of the Trustee from the
Sales of real and personal property after paying all
Costs and charges he will first pay to Mrs Tanquary
the Sum of Twenty five hundred Dollars for her
sole and separate use 2d the debts specified in
Class No 2 then the debts specified in Class No 3 and
the residue to A.B. Tanquary or his heirs or assigns
The Grantor in this deed Covenants that he has the
right Convey the Same and that he will execute
Such further Conveyances or assurances as may be
necessary to fully carry out the Same Witness
the following Signatures and seals
                                A.B. Tanquary   (seal)
                                Jno C. Bonde    (Seal)
State of Virginia
Rockbridge County to wit
                         I J.P. Moore a Notary Public for
the County aforesaid in the State of Virginia do Certify
that A.B. Tanquary & Jno C. Bonde whose names are
Signed to the writing annexed bearing date June
29th 1878 have acknowledged the Same before me
in my County aforesaid
Given Under my hand June 29th 1878
                                   J.P. Moore NP
State of Virginia
In Rockbridge County Court Clerks office June 29th
1878 at 20 minutes past 3 oclock P.M. This
deed of Trust from A.B. Tanquary to John C.
Bonde Trustee was this day produced in
this office and with the Certificate annexed
admitted to record
             Teste J.P. Moore  CC
State of Virginia
In Rockbridge County Court Clerks office
I J.P. Moore Clerk of the County Court for the
County aforesaid in the State of Virginia do Certify
that J.P. Moore whose genuine Signature appears
to the foregoing Certificate of acknowledgement
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 29 January 2017
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