Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record Z
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Deed Record Z Page 200
therein contained and expressed
Acknowledged and subscribed  }   J.T. Woolie C.B.C.C.
before me this the sixth day }
of September AD 1886         }
    Filed for Record October 7th 1886
Recorded October 8th 1886
                       J.A. Carlisle

Will of Robert Mackie
                    In the name of the Father
Son and Holy Ghost Amen.
                                      I Robert Mackie
of the City of Philadelphia Presbyter of the Protestant
Episcopal Church in the United States of America being
of Sound mind memory and understanding do make
my last will and testament in manner and form fol-
lowing: I give devise and bequeath unto my beloved
wife Catherine Drain her heirs and assigns forever all
my property real and personal of what nature and Kind
soever and wheresoever the Same shall be at the time
of my death.
           And I do nominate constitute and appoint
my said wife sole Executrix of this my last will and
In Witness whereof I Robert Mackie the testator have
to this my last will and testament set my hand
and seal this Sixth day of November AD one thousand
Eight hundred and seventy Seven
(1877)            Robert Mackie  (  )
        Signed sealed published and declared by the
above named Robert Mackie as and for his last Will
and testament in the presence of us who have here
unto subscribed our names at his request as witnesses
thereto               L.T. Salaignac
                      Kirk B. Wells
City and County of Philadelphia, SS
            Registers Office February 21 1883
There personally appeared L.T. Salaignac and Kirk B. Wells
the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing last Will of
Robert Mackie deceased and on their Solemn
oaths did say that they were present and did see and
hear Robert Mackie deceased the testator therein named
sign seal publish and declare the Same as and for his
last Will and testament and that at the doing
thereof he was of sound disposing mind memory and
understanding to the best of their knowledge and belief
Sworn and Subscribed }       L.T. Salaignac
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 30 January 2017
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