Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record Z
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Deed Record Z Page 203
utors whether the Same shall be sold and said devisies
receive the proceeds in lieu thereof, To my Nephew John
Mackie I give my City Sixes for his sole use - In case
he should not survive me then it is my will that all of his
Share of my estate real and personal shall be equally
divided between said Rebecca Mackie Thomas Mackie
and Phillip Mackie all the rest residue and
remainder of my estate real and personal I give
devise and bequeath to my Brother David Drain
of Dover Street, Glasgow, Scotland and his heirs and
I nominate constitute and appoint L. Theodore Salaignac
and J. Henry Williams as executors of this my will
and hereby give them power should they deem it advi-
sable to sell my said real estate mentioned in the
State of Florida at public or private Sale for such
price as they may deem best and authorize them
to grant and Convey the Same to the purchasers thereof
in fee Simple without liability on the part of pur-
chasers to see to the application of the purchase
money and said Executors to pay the proceeds thereof
to said parties as hereinabove mentioned and fully
set forth. In Witness Whereof I Catherine C. Mackie
have to this my last Will and testament set my
hand and seal this 16th day of April AD 1886 -
Signed sealed published          }
and declared by the above named  } Catherine C. Mackie (Seal)
Catherine C. Mackie as and for   }
her last Will and Testament      }
in the presence of us who have   }
hereunto Subscribed our names    }
as witnesses thereto in presence }
of said testator & of each other }
 Andw T. Kay                     }
 W.B. Chambers Jr.               }
 Ch C. McGlaughlin MD            }

City and County of Philadelphia SS
                Registers office April 29 1886
There personally appeared Andw T. Kay and W.B. Chambers
Jr Two of the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing last
will of Catherine C. Mackie deceased and on their
solemn oaths did Say that they were present and did See
and hear Catherine C. Mackie deceased the testatrix
therein named sign seal publish and declare the Same
as and for her last will and testament and that at
the day thereof she was of Sound disposing mind mem-     
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 31 January 2017
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