Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record Z
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Deed Record Z Page 204
ory and understanding to the best of their Knowledge and
belief                          } Andw T. Kay
Sworn and Subscribed            } W.B. Chambers Jr
before me the date above        }
  Wm G. Shields                 }
                   Dep Register }
City and County of Philadelphia SS
             Registers office April 29 1886
We do Swear & affirm that as the executors of the foregoing
last Will and Testament of Catherine C. Mackie deceased
We will well and truly administer the goods and chattels
rights and credits of said deceased according to law; and
that we will diligently and faithfully regard and well
and truly Comply with the provisions of the law relating
to Collateral Inheritances. That the said Testator died
on the 19th day of April AD 1886 at 10 o'clock AM
Sworn affirmed and subscribed }   L.T. Salaignac
before me the date above and  }   244 South 3rd St
letters testamentary granted  }   J. Henry Williams
unto them                     }   236 So 3rd St
           Wm G. Shields      }
           Dep Register       }

City and County of Philadelphia SS}  Registers office June 9th 1886
There personally appeared Chas C. McGloughlin one of the
subscribing witnesses to the foregoing last will of Catherine
C. Mackie deceased and on his solemn oath did Say
that he was present and did see and hear Catherine C.
Mackie deceased the Testatrix therein sign seal publish
and declare the Same as and for her last will and
testament and that at the doing thereof she was of Sound
mind memory and understanding to the best of his Knowl-
edge and belief                Charles C. McGloughlin MD
Sworn and Subscribed before }
me the date above           }
  Wm G. Shields             }
             Dep Register   }

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania     }
 City and County of Philadelphia } SS
                 Registers office October 1st 1886
I William B. Kinsey Register of Wills and ex officio
Clerk of the Orphans Court for the City and County
of Philadelphia in the Commonwealth of Pennsyl
vania do hereby Certify the foregoing to be a true
and accurate Copy of the last will and testament
of Catherine C. Mackie deceased together with the
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 31 January 2017
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