Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record Z
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time of such acknowledgement a Notary Public for the
Common Wealth of Pennsylvania residing in the County
aforesaid duly Commissioned and qualified to administer
oaths and affirmations and to take acknowledgement and
proofs of Deeds of Conveyance for land and tenements in
said State of Pennsylvania and to all whose acts as such
full faith and credit are and ought to be given as well
in Courts of Judicature as elsewhere - said Courts being
Courts of Record having a Common seal; and that I am
well acquainted with the handwriting of the said
Notary Public and verily believe his signature thereto
is genuine and I further Certify that the said Instru-
ment is executed and acknowledged in Conformity
with the Laws of the State of Pennsylvania
In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and
                affixed the seal of said Court this 28th
((seal))        day of July in the year of our Lord one thous-
                and Eight hundred and Eighty Six
                                William M. Mann
Filed for Record October 7th 1886
Recorded October 8th 1886
                   J.A. Carlisle

L.T. Salaignac & J. Henry }
Williams    Executors     }
          To              }  Deed
Thomas Mackie             }
                              This Indenture made the
Twenty Eighth day of July AD one thousand eight hun-
dred and Eighty Six between L. Theodore Salaignac and
J. Henry Williams Executors of the last will and testam-
ent of Catherine C. Mackie late of the City and County 
of Philadelphia and State of Pennsylvania of the first 
part and Thomas Mackie of the Same place of the 
second part: Whereas the Rev Robert Mackie by virtue of 
divers good conveyances and assurances in law duly had 
and executed became in his life time Seized in his 
demesne as of fee of and in the hereinafter described lot 
or parcel of land; and being So thereof Seized made his last 
will in writing bearing date the 6th day of November AD 
1877, which was duly proved and registered at Phila-
delphia in Will Book No 108 page 282 wherein and whereby 
he directed as follows to wit: "I give devise and bequeath 
unto my beloved wife Catharine Drain her heirs and assigns 
forever all my property real and personal of what 
nature and Kind Soever and wheresoever the Same Shall
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 3 February 2017
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