Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record Z
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Deed Record Z Page 209
be at the time of my death" And the said Catherine
widow of the said Robert Mackie being so thereof seized in
her demesne as of fee made her last will in writing bearing
date the 16th day of April 1886 which was duly proved and
registered at Philadelphia in will Book No 126 page 591&c
wherein and whereby amongst other things she bequeathed
"To my Nephews John Mackie Thomas Mackie and
Philip Mackey their respective heirs and assigns each one
of my lots of ground in Alachua County in the State of
Florida subject as hereinafter set forth to the discretion
of my Executor whether the Same shall be sold and said
devisees receive the proceeds in lieu thereof." "I nominate
Constitute and appoint L. Theodore Salaignac and J. Henry
Williams as Executors of this my will."
Now this Indenture Witnesseth that the said Executors
for and in Consideration of the Sum of one dollar lawful
money of the United States of America to them in hand
paid by the said Thomas Mackie the receipt whereof
is hereby acknowledged have granted bargained sold
aliened remised released conveyed and Confirmed and
by these presents do grant bargain sell alien remise release
convey and Confirm unto the said Thomas Mackie and his
heirs and assigns forever all that certain lot or parcel of land
Situate lying and being in the County of Alachua and
State of Florida and Known and described on the public
maps of Said State as The South West Quarter of the
North East Quarter of Section Twenty one in Township
Ten South of Range Fifteen East Containing Forty and 55/100
acres (SW1/4 of NE1/4 Sec 21 T10 S R15E) Together with
all and Singular the maps and waterways tenements
hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging
or in anywise appertaining an the reversion and reversions
remainder and remainders rents issues and profits
thereof: And also all the estate right title interest
property possession claim and demand whatsoever
as well in law as in equity of the said decedant the
said Catharine C. Mackie of in and to the Same and
every part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances,
To have and to hold the above granted bargained
and described premises with the appurtenances unto
the said Thomas Mackie his heirs and assigns to his
and their own proper use benefit and behoof forever.
In testimony whereof the said L. Theodore Salaignac
and J. Henry Williams Executors as aforesaid have here-
unto affixed their hands and seals this the day
and year above written           L.T. Salaignac    }  (seal)
Signed sealed & delivered        J. Henry Williams }  (Seal)
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 3 February 2017
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