Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record Z
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Deed Record Z Page 213
Prothonotary of the Courts of Common Pleas of Said County 
being the office authorized by the laws of the State of 
Pennsylvania to make the following Certificate Do Cer-
tify that Andw T. Kay Esquire whose name is subscribed 
to the Certificate of the acknowledgement of the annexed 
instrument and therein written was at the time of 
such acknowledgement a Notary Public and
qualified to administer oaths and affirmations and 
to take acknowledgements and proofs of Deeds of 
Conveyance for lands and tenements in said State 
of Pennsylvania and to all whose acts as such full 
faith and credit are and ought to be given as well 
in Courts of Judicature as elsewhere - said Courts being 
Courts of Record having a Common seal: 
And that I am well acquainted with the hand-
writing of the said Notary Public and verily believe 
his signature thereto is genuine and I further Certify 
that the said Instrument is executed and acknowl-
edged in Conformity with the Laws of the State of 
In Testimony Whereof I have hereunto set my hand
and affixed the seal of said Court this 28 day of
July in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight
hundred and Eighty Six        William B. Mann
  ((seal))                             Prothonotary

     Filed for Record October 7th 1886
Recorded October 8th 1886  
                  J.A. Carlisle

Hattie L. Sanchez et al } 
         To             }   Deed
Tirzah Porter           }
                            State of Florida
                            Alachua County
Know all men by these presents that we
Hattie L. Sanchez and E.C.F. Sanchez her husband
and Emma Stringfellow and T.B. Stringfellow her hus-
band of the aforesaid County and State for and in Con-
sideration of the Sum of Two hundred and fifty
Dollars to us in hand paid by Tirzah Porter
of the County of Alachua in the State of Florida
the receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledge have
granted bargained Sold and Conveyed and by these
presents do grant bargain Sell and Convey unto
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 3 February 2017
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