Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record Z
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Deed Record Z Page 216
Edward N. Dickerson }
       To           }  Deed =
Joseph R. Tompkins  }
                  No 12
This Indenture, made this Sixth day of February Anno Dom-
ini one thousand Eight hundred and Eighty three between 
Edward N. Dickerson of the City of New York County and 
State of New York Trustee duly appointed by the Peninsular 
Railroad Company of Florida party of the first part and 
Joseph R. Tompkins of Marion County State of Florida
party of the second part.
Witnesseth: The said party of the first part for and in Consider-
ation of the Sum of One hundred and nine and 41/100 ($109 41/100) Dollars 
to him in hand paid by the said party of the Second 
part the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath 
given granted aliened bargained sold transferred and doth 
by these presents give grant aliene bargain sell transfer and 
Convey unto the Said party of the second part and to his heirs 
and assigns forever all those Certain parcels or tracts of land 
Situated and lying in the County of Alachua State of Florida 
and particularly known and described on the public Maps and 
records of said State as the South West Quarter of the South
East Quarter of Section Thirty five (35) in Township Eleven (11)
South and Range Twenty Two (22) East Containing Seventy Nine
and 57/100 (79 57/100) acres more or less. Together with all and Sin-
gular the tenements hereditaments and appurtenances 
thereunto belonging; and also all the estate right title in-
terest property Claim and demand whatsoever as well in 
law as in equity of the said party of the first part of in and 
to the Same with the appurtenances:
To have and to hold the above described premises together 
with all and Singular the rights and privileges immunities 
easements and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in 
anywise appertaining unto the Said party of the Second part,
his heirs executors administrators or assigns forever.
And the said party of the first part for himself as 
Trustee as aforesaid and for his Successors in 
trust and for the Peninsular Railroad Company and 
its Successors and assigns doth hereby Covenant to 
and with the said party of the second part his heirs 
executors administrators and assigns that the said
Peninsular Railroad Company acquired the above des-
cribed lands by grant from the United States through
the State of Florida to itself in aid of the Con-
Struction of the railroad and that the party of 
the first part as Trustee as aforesaid hath full right

[Part SEC35 TWP11 R22]
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 1 August 2020
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