Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record Z
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Deed Record Z Page 221
A.B. Tauquary by     }
Jno C. Bonde Trustee }
        to           }  Deed
H. Magee             }
                       This Indenture made and entered
into on this 27th day of September 1886 by and between John C.
Bonde Trustee of A.B. Tauquary decd of Lexington Virginia
of the first part and H. Magee of the City of Gainesville Florida
of the second part. Witnesseth: That whereas on the 28 day of
June 1878 A.B. Tauquary then living in Lexington in the State
of Virginia Conveyed to John C. Bonde his entire estate both
real and personal in trust to secure Certain Creditors therein
named which deed is duly recorded in the Clerks office of 
the County Court of Rockbridge Co Va in book 2.2. page 305
and said trust deed is also recorded on the records of Alach-
ua County Florida as will appear by reference to Index in
the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of said County.
And whereas under the terms of said trust Deed the said
party of the first part was authorized to sell the lands
Conveyed by said trust deed - And Whereas there is men-
tioned and Conveyed to said trustee a tract of Nine
acres of land in Alachua Co Florida for which an
offer of five hundred dollars has been made
by H. Magee party of the Second part which said offer
has been accepted by the Trustee.
Therefore Know all men by these presents that I John C. Bonde
trustee as aforesaid under and by virtue of the authority
aforesaid in Consideration of the premises and the Sum
of Five Hundred Dollars to me in hand paid by H. Magee
of Gainesville have granted bargained sold aliened Con-
veyed and Confirmed and by these presents do grant bargain
sell alien Convey and Confirm with Special Warranty unto him
the said H. Magee his heirs and assigns forever all that
Certain tract or parcel of land lying in Alachua County
Florida as follows to wit:
Part of the South East Quarter of Section Thirty two
(32) Township Nine (9) S R Twenty (20) E in Alachua
County Florida and bounded and more particularly des-
cribed as follows to wit: Beginning at a Stake on the line
between Section thirty two (32) and Thirty three (33) above
named three Chains and Eighteen links North of the
South East Corner of Section Thirty Two above named
and thence North Nine Chains and Seventy five
links to a Stake and thence West nine Chains
and fifty four links to a Stake and thence South
Nine Chains and Seventy five links to a Stake thence
East to the place of beginning Containing Nine
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 15 September 2021
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