Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record Z
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Warrant and by these presents forever 
      In Testimony Whereof, The said 
party of the first part hereunto 
affixed his hand and seal this the day and 
year above written.
Signed Sealed and Delivered }  Saml Durborow  (seal)
In the Presence of          }
Geo A. Cooke                }
Wm C. Obertenffer           }

State of Pennsylvania }
County of Philadelphia}  On this day personally 
appeared before me, Samuel Durborow, to me 
well known as the person described in, and 
who executed, the foregoing Deed of Conveyance, 
and acknowledged that he executed the same 
for the purpose therein expressed; whereupon 
it is prayed that the Same may be recorded.
  Witness my hand and Notarial seal this 
Twenty-seventh day of September         (  )
                   Wm C. Obertenffer  ( Seal ) 
                      Notary Public     (  )
Filed for Record Oct 14th 1886.
      Recorded Oct 19th 1886
                    J.A. Carlisle

Samuel Durborow       }
         To           }  Deed
Miss Kate E. Campbell }
                         This Indenture, 
made the twenty-seventh day of September 
Anno Domini Eighteen Hundred and Eighty six 
Between Samuel Durborow, of the City of 
Philadelphia, County of Philadelphia and 
State of Pennsylvania, (unmarried) party of 
the first part, and Miss Kate E. Campbell,
Chestnut Hill of the City of Philadelphia,
County of Philadelphia and State of Pennsylvania 
party of the second part: 
     Witnesseth, That the said party of the 
first part, for and in consideration of the Sum 
of Fifteen Dollars lawful money of the United 
States of America to him in hand paid 
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 18 September 2021
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