Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record Z
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Deed Record Z Page 278
No others being interested or supposed to be
in interested in the perpetuation of said testi-
mony Except as set forth herein.
                Matthew M. Lewey
  Dated October
 State of Florida }
 Alachua County   } To the Sheriff or any Constable
of said County You are^commanded to
summon David Williams, Nancy Hamilton
and Sarah Burrells to appear before me
in the City of Gainesville in said State and
County on Monday the 25th day of October
AD 1886 at the Office of the County Judge
ten o'clock AM of said day, to give your
dispositions in perpetuate rememberance of and
concerning the title to certain real estate
conveyed to M.M. Lewey by deed dated 18th
day of September AD 1886, made and executed
by David Williams as sole heir at Law of
Nancy Cassels to all the real estate of which
the said Nancy Cassels died seized and
possessed the same lying and being situate
in the City of Gainesville Alachua County
State of Florida. Herein fail not under
penalty of the Law. Given under our hands
and seals this 22nd day of October AD 1886
                    A.J. Cone  (seal)
                      Justice of the Peace

 State of Florida }
 Alachua County   }  
    In Re M.M. Lewey
   Application to perpetuate testimony
        Before me personally came Nancy Hamilton
a witness who being duly sworn deposes and
says I Know Nancy Cassels and David
Williams have known them Fifty years they
have resided in this State and County
Thirty-five years - David Williams and Nancy
Cassels are half-brother and sister - Same father
but different mothers - fathers name was
Pitt Lee - and were born in Collington District
South Carolina - their father and mother are
both dead - Nancy Cassels and David Williams
are the only living children of Pitt Lee
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 29 July 2020
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