Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record Z
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Deed Record Z Page 294
In presence of       }       Ida D. Carn   (LS)
     T. Mary Ferrell }       David H. Carn (LS)
   Geo Patton        }
State of Florida }
Manatee County   } Personally appeared before me Mrs Ida D. Carn and her
husband David H. Carn to me known to be the persons described in and
who executed the foregoing deed of conveyance and severally acknowledged
the execution of the same as their free act and deed for the uses and
purposes therein specified and the said Ida D. Carn the wife of the
said David H. Carn on an examination taken and made separately and
apart from her said husband did acknowledge that she made herself a
party to said deed for the purpose of renouncing and relinquishing her
dower and right of dower in and to the lands tenements and hereditaments
therein described and thereby granted and released and that such relinquish
ment of dower was made by her freely and voluntarily and without any fear
or constraint of her said husband
Witness my hand and seal this 13th day of Octr 1886
                      Geo Patten
                       Justice of the Peace
  Filed for Record November 6th 1886
            Recorded November 10th 1886
                J.A. Carlisle  Clerk
                      pr S.H. Wienges DC

 Articles of Incorporation of the North Gainesville Improvement Co


State of Florida }  ss
Alachua County   } 
                   At a public meeting of the Citizens of North Gainesville
held on the evening of the 4th inst it was unanimously voted that a
corporation be created for the purpose of erecting and maintaining
a building to be situate on Section Thirty Two in Town Nine of Range
Twenty East for the use and benefit of the North Gainesville Sabbath
School therefore pursuant to the action at said meeting and the
law in such case made and provided Notice is hereby given
that such corporation will be created for the purpose aforesaid
at a meeting duly called to be held at the residence of E. Leybourn
situate on said Section in North Gainesville County and State
above mentioned on the 14th day of August inst at the hour of
Eight O'clock PM 
  Dated North Gainesville this 6th day
of August AD 1886
                                    I.J. Halsted
                                    W.H. Palmer
                                   E. Leybourn

[Part SEC32 TWP9 R20]
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 30 July 2020
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