Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record Z
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Deed Record Z Page 354
State of Florida }
County of Alachua} Be it known, That before me a Notary Public for
said State personally appeared Tillman Gordon and his wife Elizabeth Gordon
who severally acknowledged that they executed the foregoing deed for the purpose
therein expressed, and I further Certify that the said Elizabeth Gordon at an Ex
amination separate and apart from her husband, did acknowledge that she
executed the foregoing deed of conveyance and joined in the same for the purpose
of relinquishing all dower or right of dower in and to the premises described
therein and that the relinquishment of dower was made freely and volun
tarily and without an fear or constraint from her said husband
Witness my hand and Seal this Eleventh }          his
day of December AD 1883                }   Tillman X Gordon    (seal)
     (  )             J.D. Bell        }          mark
   ( Seal )            Not Pub         }            his
     (  )                              }   Elizabeth X Gordon  (Seal)
                                       }            mark
Filed for Record November 26th 1886 and Recorded November 29th 1886
                                     J.A. Carlisle  Clerk
                                     pr E.C. Wimberly DC

 Edward N. Dickerson, Trustee Peninsular Railroad          
James S. Gibbs   } Deed   No 943
This Indenture, made this twentieth day of December Anno 
Domini One thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty four, between Edward 
N. Dickerson of the City of New York, County and State of New York 
Trustee, duly appointed by the Peninsular Railroad Company of
Florida party of the first part and James S. Gibbs of Alachua County
State of Florida party of the Second part. Witnesseth: That the 
said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum 
of Seventy Nine 92/100 ($79 92/100) Dollars to him in hand paid by the 
said party of the second part the receipt whereof is hereby acknowled
ged, hath given granted aliened bargained Sold transferred, and doth 
by these presents give grant Aliene bargain sell transfer and Con
vey unto the Said party of the second part and to his heirs and 
assigns forever all that certain parcel or tract of land Situated and 
lying in the County of Alachua State of Florida, and particular
ly known and described on the public maps and records of said 
State as, The North West Quarter of the South West Quarter of 
Section Two (2) in Township Eleven (11) South of Range Twenty Two 
(22) East Containing Thirty nine and 96/100 (39 96/100) Acres more or less 
Together, with all and singular the tenements hereditaments and appur
tenances thereunto belonging: and also all the estate right title interest 
property claim and demand whatsoever as well in law as in equity of 
the said party of the first part of in and to the same with the appur
tenances. To Have and to Hold the above described premises 
together with all and singular, the rights and privileges immu
nities Easements and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in 
anywise appertaining unto the said party of the second part 

[Part SEC2 TWP11 R22]
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 2 August 2020
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