Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record Z
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Deed Record Z Page 365
acres off of the East side of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 and containing
by estimation one hundred and eighteen (118) acres, all in section
20 Township 10 Range 19 south and East
To Have and to Hold the said bargained premises unto her
the said Mary S. Taylor her heirs and assigns together with all
and singular the rights members and appurtenances thereof
to the same in any manner belonging to her and her own proper
use benefit and behalf in Fee simple. and the said J.B. &
Lottie Mayes for their heirs executors and administrators
the said bargained premises unto the said Mary S. Taylor
her heirs and assigns will warrant and forever defend the
right and title thereof against themselves and against the claims
of their heirs executors administrators and assigns and against
the claims of all other persons whatsoever.
In Testimony whereof the said J.B. & Lottie Mayes hath
hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals the
day and year first above written
Signed sealed and delivered}   J.B. Mayes (seal)
in presence of             }   Lottie Mayes (seal)
         W.E. Brittingham  }
  (  )   J.A. Lang         }
 (seal)  R.J. Hunter       }
  (  )   Notary Public     }

State of Georgia, Muscogee County
          I Lionel C. Levy Jr a commissioner of deeds &c
for the state of Florida residing in the city of Columbus Mus-
cogee County State of Georgia hereby certify that before me
personally appeared in said City of Columbus on the 12th day
of Nov 1886 J.B. Mayes and Lottie Mayes his wife to me well
Known as the individuals described in and whose names
are subscribed to the written Deed and who them and there
severally acknowledged before me that they had each for them
selves executed and signed the said Deed for the purposes therein
set forth. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand
and official seal at Columbus Muscogee County Georgia
this 12th day of Nov 1886
                                 Lionel C. Levy Jr       (   )
                                 Commissioner for the  (Florida)
                                 State of Florida        (   )

State of Georgia}
Muscogee County } I Lionel C. Levy Jr a commissioner
of Deeds &c for the State of Florida residing in the city
of Columbus Muscogee County State of Georgia
hereby certify that before me personally appeared Lottie
Mayes to me well known as the wife of J.B. Mayes
Transcribed by Kaley Behl 3 March 2013
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