Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record Z
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Deed Record Z Page 371
Tract of land above described, To Have and to Hold the said Tract
of Land with the appurtenances thereof unto the said William Strickland
and to his heirs and assigns forever, In testimony whereof I Franklin
Pierce President of the United States of America have caused these
letters to be made Patent and the seal of the General Land Office to
                               be hereunto affixed, Given under my hand at the City
(   United States     )        of Washington the first day of October in the year of Our
(      (seal)         )        Lord One thousand Eight hundred and fifty six and of the
( General Land Office )        Independence of the United States the eighty first
                                  By the President  Franklin Pierce
Record of Miscellaneous Military }      By  A.J.H. White   Asst Secy
Grants Vol 249 Page 326          }        J.N. Granger  Recorder of the General Land Office

Filed for Record December 8th 1886 and Recorded December 9th 1886
                                                  J.A. Carlisle   Clerk
                                                  pr E.C. Wimberly DC

Elias Morgan   } 
  To           }  Warranty Deed
Thomas Farrell }
                This Deed of Conveyance, Witnesseth that Elias
Morgan of Windsor Alachua County and State of Florida in consid
eration of the sum of Ninety 75/100 dollars which the said Elias
Morgan hereby acknowledges he has received from from Thomas
Farrell of Alachua County Florida has bargained and sold and here-
by give grants releases aliens and confirms to the said Thomas
Farrell and to his heirs and assigns the following land Situate
in the County of Alachua and State of Florida to wit -
Two (2) acres on the East side of Lot No Fourteen (14) Situated
in Mrs M.A. Noble's subdivision of the Town of Windsor Alach=
ua Co Fla Together with all easements rights of way and ap=
purtenances generally belonging to said land, And the said
Elias Morgan covenants with the said Thomas Farrell that
he has lawful right to sell and convey the said premises as above
he has done: and the said premises are free from any lien or
incumbrance in law or in equity: that he will execute any further
writing which may reasonably be required of him to assume
the title hereby aliened: and that he will warrant and defend
the said title against the lawful claims and demands of all
persons, Witness our hands and seals the ninth of November AD 1886
Signed and sealed in our presence }        Elias Morgan  (seal)
   J.H. Oliver                    }
   S.F. Moody Jr.                 }

State of Florida  }
County of Alachua } Be it Known, That before me a
Notary Public personally appeared Elias Morgan
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 10 February 2017
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