Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record Z
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who acknowledged that he executed the foregoing deed for the 
purposes therein expressed.
Witness my hand and seal this ninth day of November AD 1886
                                            Edward F. Moody Jr
                                            Notary Public  (seal)
                                            State of Florida at Large

 Filed for Record December 9th 1886 and Recorded December 9th 1886
                                         J.A. Carlisle Clerk
                                         Per E.C. Wimberly DC

A.J. Collins, Commissioner &c }
     To                       } Deed
Rosa D. Pedrick               }
                  State of Florida }
                  Alachua County   } Know all men by these pres
ents that whereas I, A.J. Collins of the County and State aforesaid
did on the 6th day of December AD 1886 under and by virtue of a 
decree recorded November 8th 1886 in Chancery order Book C at page
240 & 241 in the Clerk's office of the Circuit Court of the 5th Judicial
Circuit of Florida in and for Alachua County in the case of
Susan A. Bauknight et al vs Herbert J. Lavey et al sell at Pub
lic Auction to the highest bidder the property described in said
decree and whereas Mrs Rosa D. Pedrick was the last and high
est bidder at said sale which said bid was Seven hundred
and fifty dollars and whereas she the said Mrs Rosa D. Pedrick
has paid in full all of said purchase money. Now therefore
I A.J. Collins as Commissioner appointed by the Hon Thomas
F. King Judge of the 5th Judicial Circuit of Florida by the
said decree of November 8th 1886 above refered to by virtue of
the power and authority vested in me by said decree & in
consideration of the sum of Seven hundred and fifty dollars
to me cash in hand paid by Mrs Rosa D. Pedrick I, A.J. Col-
lins Commissioner as aforesaid have granted bargained
and sold and do by these presents grant and convey unto
her the said Mrs Rosa D. Pedrick and to her heirs and assigns
in fee simple absolute the following property situated lying
and being in the City of Gainesville County of Alachua and
State of Florida described as lot number ten (10) measuring
seventy six and four tenths (76 4/10) feet from north to south by
one hundred and forty (140) feet from East to West as the same
is laid down located and designated on a map or plat of
Oak Hall Estate situated in the City of Gainesville Alachua
County and State of Florida which said map or plat is record
ed at pages 342 and 343 of Deed Book "Q" of the public 
records of Alachua County Florida and which said Oak Hall
Estate was a part of the real Estate of James H. Roper
Transcribed by Kaley Behl 27 October 2020
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