Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record Z
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Deed Record Z Page 396
L.E. Chestnut Et al Trustees }
   To                        }  Deed
James H. Vidal               }
                       Whereas Henry James Edward Randall
Romeo Brisbane, Benjamin Garman Adam Coleman Vick Lang
A.D. Mayo Cyrus Law and L.E. Chestnut as Trustees of and for the
Mount Pleasant Methodist Episcopal Church of Gainesville Florida
did on the 16th day of January AD 1882 sell and convey to Leonard G.
Dennis the property hereinafter described for a good and valuable con-
sideration named in the deed thereto as will appear by reference to
the record thereof which appears in Deed Book "S" of the records 
of Alachua County Florida at page 170 recorded on the 18th day of
March AD 1884 and whereas Sarah G. Dennis as administratrix
of and for the estate of Leonard G. Dennis deceased did on the 10th
day of August AD 1886 sell and Convey the same property to one
J.H. Vidal for a valuable consideration in pursuance of an order
of the Probate Court duly authorizing said sale thereof, and whereas
there is an error in the description of the property intended to
have been conveyed in and by each of said above named Deeds
and whereas the Trustees of said Church are desirous of correcting
and reforming any errors or omissions therein or thereby made
Therefore Know all men by these Presents, That we L.E. Chestnut
P.A. Daniels J.F. Frazier Romeo Brisbane Richard McCrea and Edward
Martin as Trustees of and for the said The Mount Pleasant Methodist
Episcopal Church of Gainesville Florida for and in consideration of
the premises and of the further sum of Ten Dollars to us in hand
paid have bargained granted sold and conveyed and by these pres
ents do bargain grant sell and Convey unto him the said James H. Vidal
and to his heirs and assigns forever, All that Certain lot tract or
parcel of land situated lying and being in the Town of Gainesville
in Alachua County in the State of Florida and Known distinguished
and described as follows to wit: Commencing one hundred and
Sixty Six and one half (166 1/2) feet East from the North West Corner of
the lot purchased by the Trustees of the said Mount Pleasant Methodist
Episcopal Church from Charles W. Brush as Executor of the Estate of
Nehemiah Brush deceased, and being a fractional part of said
lot No 13 in Brush's addition to the Town of Gainesville Florida and
running East one hundred and Sixty Six and a half (166 1/2) feet:
thence South Sixty Six (66) feet: thence West one hundred Sixty Six
and one half (166 1/2) feet thence North Sixty Six (66) feet to the point of
beginning. Together with all and singular the tenements hereditaments
and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining
To have and to hold the above granted and described property
and every part and parcel thereof unto the said James H. Vidal
and to his heirs executors administrators and assigns for-
ever in fee simple absolute. And the said Trustees for themselves
and their successors, shall and will warrant and defend
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 28 January 2017
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