Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record Z
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State of New York           } SS
County and City of New York } Be it remembered that on this twenty third
day of October AD 1885 before me the undersigned George T. Curtis Jr Commissioner 
of the State of Florida in the State of New York to take acknowledgments of 
Deeds to be recorded in Florida personally appeared Edward N. Dickerson 
known to me to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing 
Deed and acknowledged the execution thereof to be his act and deed and for the 
uses and purposes therein Expressed. In testimony whereof I have hereunto 
Set my hand and affixed my Official Seal the day and year above written
                     (  )              George T. Curtis 
                   ( Seal )         Commissioner of Deeds for the State of Florida 
                     (  )            in and for the State of New York

Filed for Record December 28th 1886 and Recorded December 28th 1886
                                          J.A. Carlisle Clerk
                                          pr E.C. Wimberly DC

 Lazarus Emanuel }
     and         }  Articles of Agreement
Lottie Sullies   }
 State of Florida }
 Alachua County   } This Agreement made and entered into this
first day of January AD 1887 by and between Lazarus Emanuel and
Lottie Shullies. Witnesseth, That said parties shall associate themselves
together in the trade of buying and selling Foreign and Domestic
fruits Confectionery Cigars Tobacco and such other articles
as they may deem profitable to the trade at Gainesville in
Said County and State, That said partnership shall continue
for one year from the date of this agreement,
That each of said parties contributes five hundred dollars
in cash or stock making the total value of the stock in
trade one thousand dollars, That said parties shall jointly
and severally manage the business of said partnership for
their mutual advantage and interest, That all expenses incur
red in the management of said business Shall be equally di-
vided between them, That all profits gain and increase aris-
ing out of said Joint business shall be equally divided between
them, Share and Share alike, That all losses and decrease
in said business, that may happen shall be borne and paid
equally between them, Share and Share alike, That there
Shall be Kept during said term and joint business just
and true books of account, wherein Each of said partners
Shall enter and set down the money by him or her received
and Expended the Merchandise by him or her bought and Sold
So that each of said partners may have free access thereto
That at the end of said term, said partners shall make a
true account of all receipt and disbursements passing
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 3 August 2020
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