Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
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without any compulsion constraint apprehension or fear of or from her
said husband
In testimony whereof I have hereunto in the}
presence of the said parties set my hand   }  Jas Brittinen
and affixed hereto my official seal the day}  Mary A. Brittinen
and year above written                     }
                    W.J. OBrien
     (SEAL)         Notary Public
                    New Brunswick

               Filed for Record July 31st, 1886
                  Recorded August 5th 1886,
                          J.A. Carlisle Clerk
                               pr S.H. Wienges DC

Augustus Monroe et al Commissioners}
              To                   }  Deed
         H.J. Fowler               }
           State of Florida}
            Putnam County  }  Whereas by an Order or decree of the
Circuit Court in and for the 5th Judicial Circuit of the State
of Florida in and for Putnam County in Chancery made and
rendered on the second day of March AD 1886 in the cause therein
pending by Bill for Partition of lands wherein Leonard Baldwin et al
are complainants and Narcissa Jernigan and Levi S Jernigan her
husband were defendants we the undersigned Augustus Moore F.M. Mc
Meekin and G.W. Ryals as Commissioners of Partition in said cause
were authorized and directed to sell the lands hereinafter described
at public outcry for the purpose of a division between the parties
in said cause and whereas under and by virtue of said Order and
decree we as such Commissioners did duly advertise the lands hereinafter
described for sale at public outcry before the Court House door at
Palatka in Putnam County Florida on Monday the Fifth day
of April AD 1886 and whereas on said 5th day of April AD 1886
under and by virtue of said Order and decree in said cause and in
pursuance of said advertisement of the same for sale we did
as such Commissioners during the legal hours of sale on
said day duly sell the lands hereinafter described at public
outcry before said Court House door at Palatka Putnam County
Florida and whereas at said sale H.J. Fowler became the
purchaser of the lands hereinafter described at and for the
sum of One hundred and Forty Seven 25/100 Dollars that being
the highest best and last sum bid for the same at said
public sale thereof and he being the bidder thereof and
whereas said sum of money so bid at said sale for said land
has been duly paid into the registry of the said Circuit Court
as provided for by the said Decree in said cause by the said
Transcribed by Karen McColl 19 April 2023
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