Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record Z
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Deed Record Z Page 068
Samuel C Tucker Commissioner}
           To               }           Commissioner Deed
Walter G Robinson           }
                           State of Florida Alachua County
  This Indenture made and entered into this the 2nd day of August
AD Eighteen hundred and Eighty six between Samuel C Tucker as
Commissioner party of the first part and Walter G Robinson party of the second
part Witnesseth that whereas I the said S.C. Tucker under and by virtue
of a decree issued out of the Circuit Court of Alachua County was duly nominated
and appointed a Commissioner to sell the lands hereinafter described and whereas
I the said S.C. Tucker was by virtue of said decree of our Circuit Court of the
County and State aforesaid dated the 16th day of June AD 1886 duly and
legally authorized and empowered to sell and convey the property hereinafter
described in conformity thereto and whereas the said S.C. Tucker in
conformity to said decree and pursuant thereto did duly and legally
advertise the property hereinafter described for sale on the 1st day of
July AD 1886 and did in conformity to said Order and pursuant
to said advertisement sell the same at public auction before
the Court House door in the town of Gainesville on the 2nd day
of August AD 1886 and whereas at said sale Walter G. Robinson
became the purchaser of the property hereinafter particularly described
for the sum of Two Hundred and Thirty one 00/100 dollars --- cents that
being the highest and best sum bid for the same and the said
Walter G. Robinson being the bidder thereof and whereas the
said sale has been ratified and confirmed by an Order of our
said Circuit Court this day made and rendered whereby I the
said S.C. Tucker as Commissioner as aforesaid have been required
and directed to make and execute a deed of conveyance of
the property hereinafter described to the purchaser thereof
as by the said order reference thereto being had will more
fully appear Now therefore Know all men by these presents
that I the said S.C. Tucker as Commissioner under and by
virtue of the order of our Circuit Court aforesaid and for and in
consideration of the said sum of Two Hundred & Thirty one dollars
and --- cents to me as such Commissioner in hand paid the
receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have granted
bargained and sold and by these presents do grant bargain
and sell unto the said Walter G. Robinson and to his heirs
and assigns forever all the following described property to
wit: The South Half of Lot Ten (10) in Brown addition to the
town of Gainesville (excluding therefrom One hundred feet square
in the Southeast corner of said lot together with all and singular
the tenements hereditaments and appurtenances to the same
belonging or in anywise appertaining. To have and to hold
unto him the said Walter G Robinson and to his heirs and
assigns forever. In Witness whereof. I hereunto set my hand
and seal this the day and year first above written
Transcribed by Karen McColl 19 April 2023
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