Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record Z
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Deed Record Z Page 078
The City of Gainesville               }
         to                           }  Deed QC
The Trustees of The East Fla Seminary }
  State of Florida }
  Alachua County   }  Whereas the Board of Trustees of the East Florida
Seminary did on the 19th day of July AD 1883 Convey to the Town of Gainesville
the property hereinafter described to be used for Educational purposes
as will appear by their deed which is recorded in Deed Book "Q" of the
records of Alachua County at page 241 And whereas the said Town of
Gainesville or City of Gainesville through its Town or City Council at a public
meeting thereof held on the (6th) Sixth day of July AD 1886 adopted and
passed the following Resolution to wit. Resolved that the City Council
"of Gainesville Deed to the Trustees of the " East Florida Seminary and the Trustees
"of Union Academy respectively the lots" formerly Deeded by the respective Trustees
"to the City of Gainesville" Therefore Know all men by these presents that
the said Town or City of Gainesville Florida by and through its lawfully
authorized officers Samuel J. Burnett as Mayor of Said Town or City
Walter G. Robinson as President of the Town or City Council of said Town
of Gainesville and Oscar D. Morris as Clerk thereof under and by virtue
of the power and authority vested in and conferred upon said officers
by law and by the aforesaid Resolution, and in pursuance thereof
and for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars cash in
hand paid to the said officers of the said Town of Gainesville
by the grantees herein W.W. Hampton J.D. Matheson H.W. Long George K.
Broome W.N. Sheats H.F. Dutton and T.C. Lanier as Trustees of and for
The East Florida Seminary a State Institution now located in Gainesville
Alachua County Florida and to their heirs successors in trust
representatives and assigns forever all that certain lot tract or parcel
of land situated lying and being in the Town or City of Gainesville
in Alachua County in the State of Florida and known distinguished
and described as follows to wit:- The North half of Block (4) four Range
(8) Eight according to the original Survey of said Town of Gainesville
as per map thereof duly recorded upon the records of Alachua County
Florida on the 21st day of June AD 1871 in Deed Book "H" at page
383- Together with all and singular the rights tenements hereditaments
and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining.
To have and to hold the above granted and described premises and
every part and parcel thereof unto the said W.W. Hampton J.D. Matheson
H.W. Long George K. Broome W.N. Sheats H.F. Dutton and T.C. Lanier
as Trustees as aforesaid and to their heirs successors in trust representatives
and assigns forever in fee simple absolute, In testimony whereof the said
Samuel J. Burnett as Mayor of the said Town or City of Gainesville
Florida Walter G. Robinson as President of the City Council of the said
Town or City of Gainesville Florida and the said Oscar D. Morris as
the Clerk thereof as aforesaid have each hereunto set their hands
Each of their hands and seals attested by the said Clerk of
the said City of Gainesville Florida with the official seal of said
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 3 February 2017
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