Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record Z
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Deed Record Z Page 087
                                  In the name of God Amen 
  I Elisha Bloomer of the City of Yonkers County of Westchester and
State of New York being of sound mind and memory do hereby make and
constitute this Codicil to my last will and Testament as follows orig:
  First The depreciation in real Estate (in which my property is mainly
invested) which has taken place since the fourteenth day of April Eighteen
hundred and seventy five (the time when my former will was executed)
has in my Judgment been so great so to constitute the legacies bequeathed
in a by said Will to my grand children out of proportion to the
amounts which would be received by my daughters as residuary legatees
under said will therefore for the purpose of carrying out my original
intention and to secure equal justice to all concerned I hereby direct
that the respective legacies which in and by said will an bequeathed
to my grand children therein named shall be reduced by deducting
the sum of five thousand dollars ($5000-) from each and every of 
said bequeaths---
Second I, hereby direct that the legacies to such of my grand 
Children as may be under age at, the time of my death (mentioned
in my Will and which are reduced as above stated shall be held
and in invested by my said Executors as therein directed for the
benefit of my said grand children respectively during their
minority ---
I direct however that when my said grand Children shall
respectively become of age the said legacies shall become
their individual property and shall be transferred and paid
to them by my said Executors the legacies to my grand daughters
in all cases to be their separate property, and to be free from
the control of their husbands The bequests by my of my grand
Children as may be of age at the time of my death shall be paid
to them respectively in like manner as soon as my Executors have
realized sufficient funds from my estate to pay the same
Third --- I hereby revoke the bequests of four thousand dollars to
my sister Jane Ann Islston mentioned in my will In
place thereof I bequeath to her an annuity of five hundred dollars
to be paid to her during her life, out of my estate by my
Fourth I direct that the bequests of three tousand dollars
to my niece Fanny Dean and of three thousand dollars to
my Niece Fanny Bloomer which are severally bequeathed
in my said will shall be their absolute property free from the
control of any husband they or either of them may have and
shall be paid over by my Executors to said legatees directly as
soon after my death as can be done without injury to my
Estate ---
Fifth Bridget Kane having died I hereby revoke the legacy
to her provided for in my will ---
Sixth --- In view of the condition of my wifes health I hereby
Transcribed by Karen McColl 19 April 2023
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