Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 247
                 Green B. Jones
                 this affiant who likewise signed said paper writing,
                 as subscribing witnesses in the presence, and at
                 the request of the testator, and also in the pres-
                 ence of this affiant, and that he verily believes
                 Said paper writing to be the true Last Will and
                 Testament of said Testator.
                                             S.M. Blitch
                 Sworn to, and subscribed  }
                 before me this 9th day of }
                 February 1910   
                    (  )          H.G. Mason
                  ( Seal )           County Judge
Order admit         (  ) ---------------"-------------------
ing to Probate   State of Florida }
and Record.      County of Alachua}
                  -------   By the County Judge of Said County.
                 In Matters of Last Will and Testament }
                 of Green B. Jones Deceased            }
                 Late of Alachua County, Florida       }
                                                        The Last Will and Testament having
                 been duly established by the sworn testamony of S.M. Blitch
                 a subscribing Witness thereto as being the true Last Will and
                 Testament of the said Green B. Jones, and no objection
                 being made of the Probate thereof: And it appearing to the
                 County Judge of Said County by due proof that the said
                 Green B. Jones died on        day of             AD 19
                 It is therefore ordered, and adjudged, and decreed
                 that the said Last Will, and Testament bearing date
                 January 17th A.D. 1906, and attested by S.M. Blitch
                 and George C. Levy as Subscribing witnesses thereto be, and
                 the same is hereby admitted to Probate according to Law
                 as and for the true Last Will, and Testament, of said
                 Green B. Jones, deceased, and that the same with
                 proof thereof, be duly recorded in Book of Wills
                     (  )     Given under my hand and seal at Gainesville in said County this
                   ( Seal )   10th Day Feb 1910.     H.G. Mason
                     (  )                             Co Judge      over

[Written in left margin:]
State of Florida }  Be it remembered, that on this 19th day of March A.D. 1910,
County of Alachua}  I duly recorded the foregoing Last Will & Testament
                    in the Public Record of Said County
                                            H.G. Mason    Co Judge
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 15 August 2021
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