Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 252
       Harriet E. Davis
Will   I, Harriet E. Davis, widow of Robert C. Davis
       deceased, and a resident of Alachua County
       Florida, being of sound mind and Memory and
       And Considering the uncertainty of this frail and
       transitory life do therefore make, ordain publish
       and declare this last Will and Testament that
       is to say:
       As to my worldly estate, and all the property
       real personal, and mixed of which I shall die
       seized or possed of to which I shall be entitled
       to at the time of my decease, I divise, bequeath
       and dispose thereof in the following manner to Wit:
       My Will is that all my just debts and funeral ex
       penses shall by executed herein after named, be
       paid out of my estate so soon after my decease
       as shall by them found to be Convenient.
       I give, desire, and bequeath all my real and
       personal estate of what ever kind or nature
       So ever to my Grand Nieces and Grand Nephews
       Named as follows, Hattie Marie Love Mattie Louise Love
       Ida Lee Love and Leon C. Love, all the infant
       Children of James T. Love they to share and share
       alike, but it is my express wish, and instructions
       that all of the aforementioned property shall
       be hold, and remain intact untill the youngest
       of the above named beneficiaries shall have attained
       the age of twenty One years, and in event of the death
       of any of the above named beneficiaries before they
       reach the age of twenty one years then all my
       property shall go to the surviving aforenamed
       And lastly I do nominate, and appoint my
       Nephew James T. Love, to be the executor this my
       last Will and Testament, and I do here by authorise,
       empower, and direct my said executor from
       and after my decease untill the youngest living
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 19 August 2021
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