Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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       = Emma Pauline Williams =
Will         I, Emma P. Williams, of Gainesville, Florida, (do)
       make this my Last Will, hereby revoking all other and
       Codocils previously made by me.
              When this instrument goes into effect, I desire
       that my house and land situated at number 604
       West Church Street in Gainesville, Florida Shall be
       sold and the proceeds of said sale shall be used as
       1st:  I desire that all debts owed by me shall be
       paid from said proceeds of sale.
       2nd:  I desire that the remainder of said proceeds,
       after said debts are paid, shall be divided into four (4)
       equal parts, to be given as follows,
       3rd: To my brother, Charles W. Williams, I give two
       (2) parts of said parts
       4th: To my niece, Emma Simmons, I give one of
       said parts
       5th: To the Atlanta University (for colored) of Atlanta
       I give one (1) of said parts.
       6th: The ballance of my estate, both real and per-
       sonal, I give to my friend, Ella J. Richardson
       7th: I hereby appoint D.S. Days, of Gainesville,
       Florida, Executor and Administrator und this Will
       and it is my desire that he shall not be required or
       called upon to give bonds for his faithful execution
                In Witness thereof, I have signed, sealed and pub-
       lished and delivered this instrument and declared the
       same (to be) as and for my Last Will, at Gainesville
       Florida on tis the thirtieth day of December, Nineteen
       hundred and nine.     Emma Pauline Williams (seal)

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 21 August 2021
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