Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 264
        = M.A. Whetstone =
Whereas: I was appointed Executor of the Last
Will and Testament of Margaret A. Whetstone and manager
of the property of Pearl Whetstone, the legatee in said
Will, and
Whereas: It seems as of the direction as to the man-
agement of the estate of the said Pearl Whetstone was
only intended until she should remain a minor,
and she now having reached the age of twenty one
years, and it further appearing that it would be objec-
tionable to the said Pearl Whetstone to assume such
management.  I hereby renounce the Executorship and
refuse to qualify as such.     J.D. Matheson
  (Filed March 15 1910)

       In the Court of the County Judge.
           State of Florida, Alachua County:
Estate of              }
Margaret A. Whetstone  }
                     By the County Judge of said County.

  The said Last Will and Testament having been duly established
by the sworn testimony of E.C. McMahan and C.Y. Crawford,
subscribing and attesting witnesses thereto, as being the true Last
Will and Testament of the said Margaret A. Whetstone, and
no objection being made to the probate thereof, and it ap-
pearing to the County Judge of said County by due proof
that said Margaret A. Whetstone died on the 5" day of
March, A.D. 1910.
  It is therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed that
the said Last Will and Testament bearing date the ___
___ A.D. 1__ and attested by E.C. McMahan and C.Y.
Crawford as subscribing witnesses thereto, be and the
same is hereby admitted to probate according to law, as
and for the true Last Will and Testament of the said
     Margaret A. Whetstone, deceased.
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 22 August 2021
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