Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 270
  = Harriet Marion Ludington =
Fourth: But in the event that my said
husband shall die before I do and there-
by fail to take the aforesaid bequest and
devise, then and in that event and in
that event only I give, devise and be-
queath the said residue of my property,
so given to my husband in case he sur-
vive me, as follows to-wit:
a I devise my house and lot in Skaneat-
etes NY (Lot 22 Block 12) to the Bishop of
the Protestant Episcopal Church of the
Diocess of Central New York, in trust,
to be used by him and his successors in
office for philanthropic and missionary
purposes, in behalf of women in such
Church, or the same may be sold and
conveyed by such Bishop or his successors
and the proceeds kept and used for the
aforesaid purpose. b As a token of my
regard I give and bequeath to my sister-
in-law Malinda L. Patrick the sum of
one Thousand Dollars or in case of the
death of said Malinda I give the same to
her heirs at-law and next of kin, and I
give to my nieces by marriage Virginia
L. Montgomery, Mary W. Thomas, Annie
L. May, Mary L. Redburn and Mary L.
Hull each the sum of One Thousand Dollars
and I give to my brother in-law Horace
Ludington, my aunt Harriet Marvin Fanner
and my nephew by marriage Paul H.
Ludington each the sum of five hun-
dred Dollars, And I also give my cousins
Robert Marvin, Jennie Marvin Hall, Jennie
Marvin (daughter of Harrison) and My friends
Freeborn G. Jewett, Ella Jewett his wife, Thomas
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 14 February 2021
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