Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 275
       = Harriet Marvin Ludington =
The People of the State of New York
   To all to whom These Present shall come, Send Greeting:
Know Ye, That at Syracuse, in the County
of Onondaga on the 2nd day of May, in
the year of our Lord, one thousand nine
hundred and ten, before Hon Edgar P.
Glass, Surrogate of said County the last
will and testament of Harriet Marion
Ludington, deceased, (a copy of which is
herewith annexed) was proved and is
now approved and allowed by us,
and that said testatrix, at or im-
mediately previous to her death, having
been an inhabitant of, or having left
assets which then were or have since
come within the said County of Onondaga,
by reason whereof the proving and
registering of said will, and the grant-
ing administration of all and singular
gods, chattles and credits of said testatrix,
and also the auditing, allowing and
finally discharging the accounts here
of, do belong unto the Surrogate of said
County the administration of all ad
singular the goods, chattles and credits
of said deceased, and in any way
concerning her will is granted unto
         Marshal I. Ludington
the executor in said will named
he having first taken and subscribed
an oath of affirmation, faithfully and
honestly to discharge the duties of said
executor, hereby requiring him to make
or to cause to be made a true and
perfect inventory of all and singular
the goods, chattles and credits of the said
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 14 February 2021
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