Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 285
      - George W. Easterlin -
In the name of God. Amen
   I, George W. Easterlin of High Springs,
being in good bodily health, and of
sound mind and disposing mind and
memory, calling to mind the frailty
and uncertainty of human life, and
being desirous of settling my worldly
affairs, and directing how the estate
with which it has pleased God to
bless me shall be disposed of after
my deceased, while I have strength
and capacity so to do, do make and
publish this my last will and
testament hereby revoking and
making null and void all other
last will and testaments by me
heretofore made. And first I com-
mend my immortal being to
him who gave it, and my body
to the earth to be buried with
little expense or ostentation by my
executrix hereinafter named
  And as to my worldly estate and
all the property, real, personal or
mixed of which I shall die siezed or
possessed, or to which I shall be en-
titled at the time of my decease,
I, devise, bequeath, and dispose thereof
in the manner following, to-wit:
1st My will is that all my just
debts and funeral charges shall, by
my executrix hereinafter named
be paid out of my estate, as soon
after my decease as shall by her
be found convenient.
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 21 February 2021
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