Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 293
            Anna A. Whiting
       substantial copy of said last Will
       and Testament, to-wit:-
          In the Name of God. Amen
       I, Anna A. Whiting being of sound
       mind and deposing memory, do make,
       publish and declare this to be my
       last Will and Testament hereby revok-
       ing any other Will that may have
       been heretofore made.
         I give, devise and bequeath all of
       my property, real and personal of
       whatsoever character and wheresoever
       situated, to my son Ralph W. Whiting
         Witness my hand which I have set
       to this, My Will, on this 7th day of May
       1908 ay Gainesville Florida
                         Anna A. Whiting
       Signed, published and declared by Anna
       A. Whiting as and for her last Will and
       Testament, in the presence of us, who
       in her presence, at her request and in
       the presence of one another, have here
       unto subscribed our names as
       attesting witnesses.
                       L.B. Brown
                       Virginia Brown
                       Dr H.C. Spencer
         And the same is hereby declared to
       be re-established, and to have the same
              force, validity and effect for any and all
       purposes as the origional thereof
         Done and ordered at Starke Florida this
       11th day of Jan A.D. 1911
{Filed Jan 11 1911    }        J.T. Wills  Judge
{Recorded Jan 11 1911.}           S.H. Wienges   Clerk
                                  per E.C. Wimberly D.C.
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 24 February 2021
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