Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 302
               Augustus S. Woolley
of my said wife, or in case she dies
not re-marry, then for and during the
term of the natural life of my said wife,
the said payments to be made either
monthly or quarterly as the income
from and expenditures upon my said
estate may warrent. In the event
that the said Victor B. Woolley should
depart this life either before or after my
decease, but before the decease of the
said Carrie C. Woolley, surviving me
then and until the termination of this
trust, the trustee hereinafter named
shall pay the part or portion of the
said annual net income of my said
estate to which the said Victor B.
Woolley would have been entitled
had he lived unto such person or
persons and for such uses and purposes
as the said Victor B, Woolley by his
will shall appoint and direct, and in
default of such appointment and direct-
ion, the said trustee shall pay the
same unto the heirs at law of the said
Victor B. Woolley.
  In the event that my said wife
Carrie C. Woolley should re-marry
after my decease, or in case she
does not re-marry, then upon the
death of my said wife, Carrie C.
Woolley, this trust shall end and ter-
minate, and I direct my Trustee to
convey, transfer, set over and assign
the principal thereof unto my said
son, Victor B. Woolley, if he be then

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 8 June 2021
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