Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 305
             Augustus S. Woolley
the purchases thereof, and to their heirs
and Assigns, free and discharged from this
trust, and without liability to such
purchases to see to the proper applica-
tion of the purchase money; and the
proceeds or securities received from
such sales or sales, shall be received
by my said Trustee, and by him in-
vested and held for the same trusts
as are herein mentioned.
  (b.) Whenever the said Trustee finds it
necessary to foreclose a mortgage or en-
force the lien of any security or obliga-
tion held by him as Trustee, he may
protect the same by purchasing with
the funds of this trust, either at a pri-
vate, public or judicial sale, the prop-
erty real or personal, upon which
such mortgage, security or obligation
is a lien or for the payment of which
such property is pledged, the said
property so purchased to be held and
disposed of by him for the same uses
and upon the same trusts as are herein
set forth.
  (c.) The income and principal provided
by this trust to be paid to the benefici-
aries contemplated within its pro-
visions, shall be for their respective,
sole, separate and exclusive use and bene-
fit, so that the same shall not be in
any manner pledged, appropriated,
disposed of or parted with by antici-
pation before the same shall have
accrued and become payable, nor be

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 9 June 2021
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