Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Will Records 2
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Will Records 2 Page 309
                  Augustus S. Woolley
names as witnesses to the said instru-
ment of writing at the instance and in
the presence of the said Augustus S.
Woolley testator
Subscribed and sworn     }   George M. Eddy
before Thomas R. Purnell }   Thomas S. Purse
        Register         }
-----------   -----------------  ------------------
State of Delaware }
  Sussex County   }  SS.
                      Be it remembered,
That on the 15th day of December A.D. 1910
before me, Thomas R. Purnell, Register for
the probate of Wills, and granting Letters of
Administration in and for the County a-
foresaid, appeared George Fields who
being sworn in due form of law, deposeth
and saith that he knew Reuben M. Kau-
fman, whose name is subscribed as a
witness to the above and foregoing instru-
ment of writing, purporting to be the
last will and testament of Augustus S.
Woolley, deceased; that he has frequently
seen him write and is acquainted with
his handwriting, and from such knowl-
edge firmly and truthly believes that the
name of Reuben M. Kaufman signed
thereto as aforesaid, in his own proper
handwriting and that the signature thereto
is genuine: he further saith that the
said Reuben M. Kaufman is now out of the
jurisdiction of the State of Delaware
{Sworn and subscribed before }  George Fields
{  Thomas R. Purnell         }
{      Register              }

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 9 June 2021
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